Welcome Odyssey Crew

This is where it begins... welcome to Odyssey's Medical Direction Program! This is the first course in the 'bundle,' and is the entry point for all of the other modules and protocols that we support.

A Living and Breathing and Growing Program!

The Medical Direction program is not static. Just like all medical knowledge, the first aid, prehospital and event medical space is constantly evolving, and we want our protocols and policies to be responsive and to evolve to not only 'keep up' with the times, but to be at the cutting edge, when appropriate and relevant to our contexts.

We are delighted to be working with you toward the shared goal of excellent patient outcomes. Whether you are deployed at a music festival, on the side of a mountain, or to an oil platform, we want you to have the policies and procedures that support safe, evidence-informed clinical practice.

The Medical Direction Program is NOT a 'Re-training' Program

  • Most of the providers covered by our program have lots of experience. You aren't looking for a bunch of review material, you just want to be able to work to your scope
  • Some of you ARE brand new providers, new to your certification. You may have the same letters after your name as more experienced providers, but this may be your first job, or you may be volunteering to gain clinical experience to augment your resume.

We respect the fact that many of the members of our Medical Direction Program come to this work with existing expertise. Not only have you completed an education program (or many), many of you have also completed hundreds of hours of clinical time with a preceptor and (usually) thousands of hours of practice after graduation. Knowing this, our goal is not to recreate textbooks of medicine, paramedicine or nursing practice. Rather, our goal is to support you to apply your knowledge and expertise in your current practice setting.


We also want to provide (and will continue to develop over time) enrichment resources for new and experienced providers. These materials will always be optional, and are never intended to over-ride your legal credentials or scope of practice.

Odyssey’s online learning platform contains a series of one-to-two page policies and procedures identified by your employer or organization as relevant to your practice, according to where you are deployed. Your employer is responsible for providing access to the equipment, supplies, and medications required to operationalize the policies and procedures contained in this document.

We have written and endorsed the contents of these modules. Per professional practice standards, in providing Medical Direction, we are required to confirm that professionals have the required knowledge, skills and expertise to apply the policies in a real-life setting.

Therefore, we ask that you go through the modules that are relevant to your scope of practice, complete the quizzes and print and/or keep your certificates.

All the best on your exploration of the program. Please let us know of any area that will enhance the materials for you and others, increase clarity, or to prompt us when you discover opportunities for expansion.

All the best,

Sheila Turris, Clinical Director
Adam Lund, Medical Director - National

on behalf of the Medical Direction Team

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