Collapsed Endurance Athlete
Managing an athlete who collapses during an event
This course is part of the Basic and Advanced Life Support Medical Direction programs. For most users, you would not be signing up for this course directly, as it will be included in your program.
Note that enrolment and completion of this or any online course does NOT in and of itself include Medical Direction coverage. This must be contracted through Odyssey Medical or provided by your employer.
Anyone may choose to enrol in our courses for learning purposes, but course enrolment alone does NOT include Medical Direction. For information about our medical direction program, please visit:
Photo by Massimo Sartirana on Unsplash
Your Instructor

Course Curriculum
StartImportant Information - READ ME
StartGotta Catch’em All!
StartLearning Objective
StartScope of Practice
StartExercise Associated Collapse - Definition
StartExercise Associated Collapse – Pathophysiology and Presentation
StartDifferential Diagnosis
StartHeat Stroke – Definition
StartHeat Stroke – Pathophysiology and Presentation
StartHeat Stroke – Treatment
StartExercise Associated Hyponatremia – Definition
StartExercise Associated Hyponatremia – Pathophysiology + Presentation
StartExercise Associated Hyponatremia – Treatment
StartHypoglycemia - Definition
StartHypoglycemia – Pathophysiology and Presentation
StartHypoglycemia - Treatment
StartApproach to the Collapsed Endurance Athlete – ABCs, Sick or Not Sick?
StartApproach to the Collapsed Endurance Athlete – Step Back, then Reassess
StartApproach to the Collapsed Endurance Athlete – They’re Not Getting Better…
StartLearning Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Thanks for completing the course! Once you have all of your courses completed, you will be clear to work to your full scope on events and deployments.